We finally met!

After a long wait, courtesy of the pandemic, we were finally able to meet for the first time. Our coordinator from Lithuania organised a wonderful meeting where we hung out and worked together under the topic “Fake News Fighters”. Students and teachers were divided in multinational groups that performed different tasks, including an e-magazine and discussed how Fake News can be spotted and fought. The meeting was held in Alytaus Adolfo Ramanausko-Vanago gymnasium, in Alytus, Lithuania. Alongside with the tasks, we had a very strong cultural programme, which included a visit to a local radio station, a welcome ceremony at Alytus City Hall, a visit to the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, among others. All in all, it was a wonderful meeting, where our students engage in all activities enthusiastically while learning a few more things about each other, their countries, customs and traditions, as well as becoming more aware to the dangers of fake news and how to fight them. A special thanks to our Lithuanian hosts, who were outstanding in the way they made us feel at home. Ačiū!!!!!